A great question and really, there are two answers;
Firstly, and I know this leaves me slightly vulnerable, but, loneliness. One thing I’ve always struggled with is the isolation and loneliness of working from home [and in my case, rarely leaving the house], that I think most people don’t see. Think about it; Outside of the work-day, and holidays-aside,
How much time do you spend at home? …it’s a lot, right?
Again, I’m certainly not complaining here, but when you work from home, at least from my experience, the feeling of being ‘boxed in’ and ‘cut off’ comes around quickly, and for me at least, it was an uncomfortable realisation. I know, ‘cry me a river’ mister runs his trading business full-time from home and can more or less work when he wants, on his own terms, with no income cap etc, but that’s what initially urged me to begin social media channels like the Telegram channel.
I was building content and sharing my knowledge and strategies – Initially for free for quite a while I should add, with my initial social media followers – To almost create a small community around me to ease that ‘boxed in’ and ‘cut off’ feeling, along with contributing to other people’s growth, and doing so was one of the best decisions I ever made as I’m now able to communicate regularly with the traders I’m lucky enough to be able to work with.
Secondly, it’s simply an additional income stream that I’m sure anyone with a similar opportunity would open up for themselves. I believe anyone with a valuable skill and/or valuable knowledge should share it to help others, and charging a fee is simply an exchange of value for the time and energy it takes to create what it is that a person’s sharing.
The more income streams the better for both diversity and wealth creation.